12 Jan 2021

Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White: Condition While in Vision

 Especially during the early years of her work, Mrs. White's visions were often given in the presence of many witnesses. During these manifestations she was entirely unconscious of her earthly surroundings. Yet she would frequently walk about, making graceful gestures, while describing the scenes she was witnessing. Her strength at such times was phenomenal. Strong men have endeavored to move her hand or arm from the position in which it was held, but failed. On one occasion, at the home of Mr. Curtis, in Topsham, Maine, in 1845, she took from a bureau a large family Bible weighing about eighteen pounds, and, holding this at arm's length above her head with her left hand, she turned the pages with her right hand. Then, with her eyes directed upward away from the book, she read correctly many passages of scripture, pointing to the verses with the index finger of her right hand. With her ordinary strength she would have had difficulty even in lifting this heavy volume; but while supernaturally strengthened in vision, she held it aloft with outstretched arm for more than half an hour.

In relating her visions, Mrs. White frequently spoke of the one who had instructed her, as “my accompanying angel,” or “my instructor,” or “my guide.” By these expressions, she referred to a bright, glorious angel, who invariably acted as her guide or instructor

Although Mrs. White often spoke while in vision, yet no breath came from her lips. June 26, 1854, in Rochester, New York, while she was in vision two physicians endeavored to show that there must be breath in her lungs. Among other tests, a lighted candle was held as close to her lips as was possible without burning her; yet, although she was at that time speaking with force, there was not a flicker of the blaze. The first indication of her coming out of vision was a deep inhalation. Perhaps several seconds would elapse before the next breath. Then after a few more full breaths she would begin to breathe normally.

These physical conditions correspond to the experiences of the prophet Daniel while in vision, as he records them in the tenth chapter of his prophecy. He refers to a loss of strength, and the appearance of an angel who imparted supernatural strength. “As for me,” he declares, “straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me. Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me.” Daniel 10:17, 18.

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