6 Jan 2021

Christian Service: Chapter 23—Miscellaneous Lines of Missionary Work: Consideration for the Blind

 Angels are sent to minister to the children of God who are physically blind. Angels guard their steps and save them from a thousand dangers, which, unknown to them, beset their path.—Testimonies for the Church 3:516.

He will not hearken to the prayer of His people while ... the blind and the sick are neglected among them.—Testimonies for the Church 3:518.

If there are those in the church who would cause the blind to stumble, they should be brought to justice; for God has made us guardians of the blind, the afflicted, the widows, and the fatherless. The stumblingblock referred to in the Word of God does not mean a block of wood placed before the feet of the blind to cause him to stumble; but it means much more than this. It means any course that may be pursued to injure the influence of their blind brother, to work against his interest, or to hinder his prosperity.—Testimonies for the Church 3:519.

The blind man has disadvantages to meet on every side in the loss of his sight. That heart in which pity and sympathy are not excited at seeing a blind man groping his way in a world clothed to him in darkness, is hard indeed, and must be softened by the grace of God.—Testimonies for the Church 3:521.

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