16 Jan 2021

Counsels on Health: Preface to the second edition

 The trustees are pleased to bring forth the second edition of Counsels on Health. Issued first in 1923, this compilation of E. G. White writings on the subject of health proved to be an indispensable reference work, and the first edition in its several printings far exceeded expectations for its distribution. The text of the book is unchanged, and the original paging has been maintained. A new feature which will be much appreciated by the careful student is the inclusion of the date of writing or of first publication which appears in connection with source reference to each article. That this volume in its reissued form may continue to fill an important place in keeping before the church and its ministerial and medical workers the significant place of our health message is the sincere wish of the publishers and— 

The trustees of the

Ellen G. White publications.

Washington, D.C.

January 29, 1957.

Counsels on Health Study Guide. A complete chapter by chapter guide with questions to aid in your reading and understanding of the book. 

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