3 Feb 2021

Counsels On Health: Who Will Say, “Send Me”?

 Christ's work is to be done. Let those who believe the truth consecrate themselves to God. Where there are now a few who are engaged in missionary work, there should be hundreds. Who will feel the importance, the divine greatness, of the work? Who will deny self? When the Saviour calls for workers, who will answer, “Here am I, send me”? 

There is need of both home and foreign missionaries. There is work right at hand that is strangely neglected by many. All who have tasted “the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come” (Hebrews 6:5), have a work to do for those in their homes and among their neighbors. The gospel of salvation must be proclaimed to others. Every man who has felt the converting power of God becomes in a sense a missionary. There are friends to whom he can speak of the love of God. He can tell in the church what the Lord is to him, even a personal Saviour; and the testimony given in simplicity may do more good than the most eloquent discourse. There is a great work to be done, too, in dealing justly with all and walking humbly with God. Those who are doing the work nearest them are gaining an experience that will fit them for a wider sphere of usefulness. There must be an experience in home missionary work as a preparation for foreign work. 

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