26 Oct 2022

Beginning of the End: Balaam Sees God’s Favor on Israel

 Balaam saw the growth and prosperity of the true Israel of God to the close of time, the special favor of the Most High on those who love and fear Him. He saw them supported by His arm as they entered the dark valley of the shadow of death, and he witnessed them coming out of their graves, crowned with glory, honor, and immortality. He viewed the redeemed rejoicing in the unfading glories of the new earth. As he saw the crown of glory on every head and their endless life of happiness, he uttered the solemn prayer, “Let me die the death of the righteousness, and let my end be like his!”

If Balaam had been in the habit of accepting the light God had given, he would have severed all connection with Moab immediately. He would have returned to God with deep repentance. But Balaam loved the rewards o B f unrighteousness.

Balak had expected a curse that would fall like a withering plague on Israel, and he angrily exclaimed, “What have you done to me? I took you to curse my enemies, and look, you have blessed them bountifully!” Balaam claimed to have spoken the words from a careful respect for the will of God, but they had actually been forced from his lips by divine power. “Must I not take heed to speak what the Lord has put in my mouth?”

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