16 Oct 2022

Beginning of the End: God’s Protecting Hand Removed

 Shielded by divine power, they had not realized the many dangers that surrounded them. In their unbelief they expected death, and now the Lord permitted death to come to them. The poisonous snakes that infested the wilderness were called fiery serpents because their sting caused violent inflammation and speedy death. As the protecting hand of God was removed, great numbers of the people were attacked by these venomous creatures.

In almost every tent were the dying or the dead. Often the silence of night was broken by piercing cries that told of fresh victims. All were busy caring for sufferers or trying to protect those not yet attacked. When compared with their present suffering, the former difficulties and trials of the people seemed unworthy of a thought.

The people now came to Moses with confessions and pleadings. “We have sinned,” they said, “for we have spoken against the Lord and against you.” Only a short time before, they had accused him of being the cause of all their distress and afflictions. But as soon as real trouble came, they ran to him as the only one who could intercede with God for them. “Pray to the Lord that He take away the serpents from us.”

God commanded Moses to make a serpent of bronze and to lift it up among the people. All who had been bitten were to look to it and find relief. The wonderful news was told that all who had been bitten might look at the bronze serpent and live. Many had already died, and when Moses raised the serpent on the pole, some would not believe that merely looking at that metallic image could heal them; these died in their unbelief.

Yet many people had faith in the provision that God had given. Fathers, mothers, brothers, and sisters were busy in helping suffering, dying friends to turn their listless eyes on the serpent. Though faint and dying, if they could only look once, they were healed.

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