21 Oct 2022

Beginning of the End: Israel’s Fatal Mistake

 Many remembered the events that nearly forty years before had doomed Israel to long desert wandering. The report of the spies concerning the Promised Land was correct in many respects. The cities were walled and very great and inhabited by giants. But now they could see the fatal mistake of the previous generation in distrusting the power of God. This had prevented them from entering the beautiful land at once.

God had promised His people that if they would obey His voice He would go ahead of them and fight for them. He would drive out the inhabitants of the land. But now Israel must go forward against alert and powerful foes and do battle with well-trained armies that had been preparing to resist.

The earlier generation had failed dramatically. But the test was more severe now than when God had commanded Israel to go forward. The difficulties had greatly increased since they refused to go forward when told to do so.

God still tests His people, and if they fail He brings them again to the same point, and the second time the test will be more severe than the first.

The mighty God of Israel is our God. In Him we may trust, and if we obey His requirements He will work for us as He did for His ancient people. The way will sometimes be so blocked by obstacles, apparently insurmountable, as to dishearten those who will yield to discouragement; but God is saying, Go forward. The difficulties that fill your soul with dread will disappear as you move forward in the path of obedience, humbly trusting in God.

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