16 Nov 2022

Beginning of the End: The Difference Between Genuine and Forced Confessions

 For one person’s sin the displeasure of God will rest on His church until the transgression is found and put away. The influence the church should fear the most is not that of open opposers, infidels, and blasphemers, but of inconsistent people who keep back the blessing of the God of Israel and bring weakness on His people. With deep repentance and searching of heart, let everyone earnestly look to discover the hidden sins that shut out God’s presence.

Achan had seen the armies of Israel return from Ai defeated and discouraged, yet he did not come forward and confess his sin. He had seen Joshua and the elders bowed to the earth in grief too great for words, but he still kept silent. He had listened to the announcement that a great crime had been committed, and had even heard its nature stated clearly, but his lips were sealed. His heart filled with terror as he saw his tribe pointed out, then his family and his household, but he still did not confess until the finger of God was placed on him. Then, when he could no longer hide his sin, he admitted the truth.

There is a huge difference between admitting facts after they have been proved, and confessing sins known only to ourselves and to God. Achan’s confession only served to show that his punishment was just. He had no genuine repentance, no sorrow for sin, no change of purpose, no hatred of evil.

In a similar way, the guilty will make their confessions when they stand before the judgment seat of God, after every case has been decided for life or death. An acknowledgment of sin will be forced from each of the lost by an awful sense of condemnation and a fearful looking toward judgment. But such confessions cannot save the sinner.

When the records of heaven are opened, the Judge will not declare to the sinner his guilt, but will give one penetrating, convicting glance, and every deed, every interaction of life, will be vividly impressed on the memory of the wrongdoer, and he will confess his shame. The sins long hidden from human eyes will then be proclaimed to the whole world.

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