5 Dec 2022

With God at Dawn: He Made and Preserves Them All, December 5

Creation Reflects God's Character

Thou, even thou, art Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all. Nehemiah 9:6.

The most effective way to teach the heathen who know not God, is through His works. In this way far more readily than by any other method, they can be made to realize the difference between their idols, the works of their own hands, and the true God, the Maker of heaven and earth.... There is a simplicity and purity in these lessons direct from nature that makes them of the highest value to others besides the heathen. The children and youth, all classes of students, need the lessons to be derived from this source. In itself the beauty of nature leads the soul away from sin and worldly attractions, and toward purity, peace, and God.

For this reason the cultivation of the soil is good work for children and youth. It brings them into direct contact with nature and nature’s God. And that they may have this advantage, there should be, as far as possible, in connection with our schools, large flower gardens and extensive lands for cultivation.... In the natural world, God has placed in the hands of the children of men the key to unlock the treasure-house of His Word. The unseen is illustrated by the seen; divine wisdom, eternal truth, infinite grace, are understood by the things that God has made.... Let the mind be developed to its utmost capacity, and the physical powers trained for the practical duties of life. But teach them also that God has made this world fair because He delights in our happiness; and that a more beautiful home is preparing for us in that world where there will be no more sin.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 186-188.

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