27 Jan 2023

Beginning of the End: David Kills Goliath

 This chapter is based on 1 Samuel 16:14-23; 17.

When King Saul realized that God had rejected him, he was filled with bitter rebellion and despair. He had no clear understanding of his sin and did not reform his life. He brooded over what he thought was God’s injustice in taking the kingdom away from his descendants. He constantly dreaded the ruin that he had brought on his family. He did not meekly accept the God’s rebuke, but his proud spirit became desperate, until he was on the verge of becoming insane.

His counselors advised him to seek a skilled musician, hoping that the soothing notes of a sweet instrument might calm his troubled spirit. David, as a skilled harpist, was brought before the king. His heaven-inspired music had the desired effect, and the dark cloud over Saul’s mind was charmed away.

Whenever necessary, David was called back to soothe the mind of the troubled king. Although Saul expressed delight in David and his music, the young shepherd felt a sense of relief when he went from the king’s house to the fields and hills of his pasture.

David was growing in favor with God and man. He had been in the court of the king and had seen the responsibilities of royalty. He had understood some of the mysteries in the character of Israel’s first king. He knew that in their private life the household of Saul were far from happy. These things troubled his thoughts, but he turned to his harp and brought out music that elevated his mind to the Author of everything good, and the dark clouds that seemed to shadow the future disappeared.

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