17 Jan 2023

Beginning of the End: Jonathan, the King’s Son, Is Honored

 God had permitted a crisis in order to rebuke Saul and teach His people a lesson of humility and faith. Because of Saul’s sin in offering the sacrifice himself, the Lord would not give him the honor of defeating the Philistines. Jonathan, the king’s son, who respected the Lord, was chosen. Moved by a divine impulse, he suggested  a plan to his armor-bearer that they make a secret attack on the enemy’s camp. “It may be,” he urged, “that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.”

The armor-bearer, also a man of faith and prayer, encouraged the idea. Together they left the camp secretly to avoid opposition. With earnest prayer to the Guide of Israel, they agreed on a sign to help them know how to proceed. Going down into the gorge separating the two armies, they silently threaded their way under the cliff, partially hidden by the ridges of the valley. Approaching the fortress they came in sight of their enemies, who taunted them: “Look, the Hebrews are coming out of the holes where they have hidden. ... Come up to us, and we will show you something,” meaning that they would punish the two Israelites for their daring. This challenge was the sign that Jonathan and his companion had agreed to accept as evidence that the Lord would bless their efforts.

Choosing a secret and difficult path, the warriors made their way to a cliff that had been thought out of reach and was not strongly guarded. Thus they penetrated the enemy’s camp and killed the sentinels, who, overcome with surprise and fear, did not resist.

Angels of heaven shielded Jonathan and his attendant; angels fought by their side, and the Philistines fell before them. The earth trembled as though a great multitude with cavalry and chariots were approaching. Jonathan recognized the signs of divine aid, and even the Philistines knew that God was working for the deliverance of Israel. Great fear seized the army and in the confusion the Philistines began to kill one another.

Soon the noise of the battle reached the camp of Israel. The king’s sentinels reported great confusion among the Philistines and that their numbers were decreasing. Seeing that the Philistines were being driven back, Saul led his army to join the assault. The Hebrews who had deserted to the enemy now turned against them. Great numbers also came out of their hiding places. As the Philistines fled, Saul’s army inflicted terrible destruction on the fugitives.

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