16 Jan 2023

Beginning of the End: The Reason for Saul’s Sad Failure

 Saul was out of favor with God but was unwilling to humble his heart in repentance. He was not ignorant about Israel’s defeat when Hophni and Phinehas had brought the ark of God into the camp, and yet, knowing all this, he determined to send for the sacred chest and the priest who accompanied it. By doing this he hoped to reassemble his scattered army and give battle to the Philistines. Then he could do without Samuel and free himself from the prophet’s unwelcome criticisms and reproofs.

The Holy Spirit had been granted to Saul to give him understanding and soften his heart. And yet how stubborn he was in choosing the wrong way! That impulsive spirit, not trained to submission early in life, was always ready to rebel against divine authority. People cannot spend years perverting the powers God has given them, and then, when they choose to change, find these powers fresh and free for an opposite course.

Saul’s efforts to reassemble the people failed. With his force reduced to six hundred men, he retreated to the fortress at Geba on the south side of a deep, rugged gorge a few miles north of Jerusalem. The Philistine force had encamped at Michmash on the north side of the valley and were sending troops out in different directions to destroy the country.

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