15 Feb 2023

Beginning of the End: The Sad End of the “Anointed of the Lord”

 The armies of Israel and the Philistines came together in deadly combat. Though the frightening scene in the cave of Endor had driven all hope from his heart, Saul fought with heroic courage, but it was in vain. “The men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell slain on Mount Gilboa.” Saul had seen his soldiers falling around him and his three princely sons cut down by the sword. He himself was wounded and could neither fight nor run. Escape was impossible, so, determined to not be taken alive by the Philistines, Saul took his own life by falling on his sword.

Thus the first king of Israel died, with the guilt of self-murder on his soul. His life had been a failure, and he went down in dishonor and despair.

The news of defeat spread far and wide, creating terror in all of Israel. The people fled from the cities, and the Philistines took possession without fighting. Saul’s reign,  independent of God, had almost ruined his people.

On the next day, the Philistines discovered the bodies of Saul and his three sons. They cut off Saul’s head and stripped him of his armor. Then they sent the head and the armor, reeking with blood, to the country of the Philistines as a trophy of victory, “to proclaim it in the temple of their idols and among the people.” Thus the glory of victory was credited to the power of false gods, and the name of Jehovah was dishonored.

In Beth Shan the bodies of Saul and his sons were hung up in chains, to be eaten by birds of prey. But the brave men of Jabesh Gilead, remembering Saul’s deliverance in earlier and happier years, now showed their gratitude by rescuing the bodies of the king and princes and giving them an honorable burial. Thus the noble deed performed forty years before gained for Saul and his sons a burial by tender and pitying hands in that dark hour of defeat and dishonor.

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