19 Mar 2023

Beginning of the End: A Man After God’s Own Heart

 This chapter is based on 2 Samuel 24; 1 Kings 1; 1 Chronicles 21; 28; 29.

Absalom’s overthrow did not bring peace at once. So much of the nation had joined in revolt that David would not return to his capital and take up the kingship again without an invitation from the people. There was no prompt, firm action to return the king, and when the tribe of Judah finally set about to bring David back, the action stirred up the jealousy of the other tribes. A counterrevolution followed, but it was quickly put down, and peace returned to Israel.

Dangers from power, riches, and worldly honor threaten the soul. God had designed that David’s early life—with a shepherd’s lessons of humility, patient toil, and tender care for his flocks; with the scenes of nature in the solitude of the hills directing his thoughts to the Creator; with the long discipline of his wilderness life—would prepare him for the throne of Israel. And yet worldly success and honor weakened the character of David so much that he was overcome by the tempter.

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