8 Apr 2023

Royalty and Ruin: Wealth and Fame Bring a Curse

     Before Solomon was aware of it, he had wandered far from God. He began to trust less in divine guidance. Little by little he withheld unswerving obedience from God and followed more closely the customs of the surrounding nations. Yielding to temptations that came with his honored position, he forgot the Source of his prosperity. Money that should have been held in sacred trust for the worthy poor and to extend the principles of holy living throughout the world was selfishly absorbed in ambitious projects.

    To glorify himself before the world, Solomon sold his honor and integrity. He imposed heavy taxes to supplement the enormous income acquired through trade. Pride, ambition, and indulgence bore fruit in cruelty and unjust demands. From the wisest and most merciful of rulers, he degenerated into a tyrant. The God-fearing guardian of the people became oppressive and despotic. He levied tax after tax to support the luxurious court. The respect and admiration that the people had cherished for their king changed into hatred and disgust.

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