4 Jun 2015

Father and his daughter

A daughter typically is closer to her father
When the daughter was sad or happy she would run to the father
When a daughter married, father would bring his daughter walked in the aisle and give her to her man
At that time a daughter going away from his father and lived with the the father of her daughter
But the love of a father for his daughter remains there and every time he would call his daughter because his heart close to the heart of the daughter
How with the Father in heaven, have his daughter closer to Him?
Is that close our relationship with our Father in heaven? or we were far from the Father?
women who love her father is not necessarily loving Father in heaven and Women who are close to her father is not necessarily close to the Father in heaven
So ladies, ask yourself have you love the Father in heaven as you love your father in this world?
And and if you ask me, my answer is that I love the Father in heaven more than anything.

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