30 Mar 2018

A Good Friday

Last night I couldn't sleep
Because the mosquitoes bothered .... Hahahaha
But I thank God for that because I couldn't sleep.
This is what happened last night when I couldn't sleep.

By dawn I couldn't sleep at all.
And it even crossed my mind something.
Today all the Christians celebrate Good Friday.
And my imagination start drifted into the crucifixion.
About midnight he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Then came the soldier with a disciple who betrayed Him.
It was not until there that he was brought to the priest's priest for trial
To declare Himself as a guilty person.
At daybreak one of the disciples closest to Him denied him three times.
Then He was taken to the highest leader in the area for the next trial
But the supreme leader found no fault with Him
But because the people demanded to crucify Him, He was also punished
Two times stroke with a sharp object each forty times lashes
Continue by putting a crown of thorns on his head.
And told to carry his cross to the crucifixion where He will be crucified.
Arriving there he was crucified with two criminals who committed great sins.
Yet He, there is no sin He has committed but He died for the sins of our sins.
Jesus has suffered and died for all of us, but choice is in our hands.
Are we willing to accept His love or remain in sin? Choose now!
Jesus loves you and me, if you hear the voice of Jesus calling in your heart to follow Him.
Then do not hesitate to follow Him until the end. And finally we will meet Him later.
Thank you for sacrificing for us to redeem us from all our sins.
Invite Him to always be in our hearts and forever reign in our souls.
Undoubtedly he will give you rest even though we live in a storm ordeal.

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