21 Mar 2018

Accept me What I am

In the morning when I wake up
Someone always bends her face when she sees me
I never saw someone's warm smile for me
Often occurred to me, maybe she hates me
Maybe for her I just troubled her all the time
I want her to look at me affectionately
Many people and my mother said she was a surrogate mother,
Yes now my mother is far from me
Yes indeed, my mother is away from me but my mother always gives me a warm smile
Yes she is not my mother, so, therefore she can not accept me what I am.

Di Pagi hari saat ku terjaga
Seseorang selalu menekuk muka saat melihatku
Tak pernah kulihat senyum hangat seseorang untukku
Sering terlintas dalam benakku, mungkin dia membenciku
Mungkin baginya aku hanya menyusahkan dia setiap saat
Aku ingin dia memandangku dengan penuh kasih sayang
Banyak orang dan ibuku berkata dia adalah ibu pengganti
Ya memang ibuku jauh dariku tapi ibuku selalu memberi senyuman hangat padaku
Ya dia memang bukan ibuku, jadi, karena itu dia tidak bisa menerimaku apa adanya

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