
5 Jan 2020

Morning Prayer from Bible plan Bible King James Version

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8

Simple, beautiful, and poignant. We owe nothing to others except love. Do that, and God's law is fulfilled. I only wish I could say that I always did it, but we all must try.

I love You, caring and gentle God, more than these words can ever suffice to say. I love Your son, Jesus Christ, with all of my heart and strength, which is not an iota of the power with which He loved me. I love the Holy Spirit, sustaining my faith, protecting me, nourishing my soul. Thank you, majestic Lord, for loving me so dearly. I pray today that I will fulfill Your law to love others as You have taught me. Amen.

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