28 Sept 2020

Christian Service: Right Arm of the Message

 Again and again I have been instructed that the medical missionary work is to bear the same relation to the work of the third angel's message that the arm and hand bear to the body. Under the direction of the divine Head they are to work unitedly in preparing the way for the coming of Christ. The right arm of the body of truth is to be constantly active, constantly at work, and God will strengthen it. But it is not to be made the body. At the same time the body is not to say to the arm, “I have no need of thee.” The body has need of the arm in order to do active, aggressive work. Both have their appointed work, and each will suffer great loss if worked independently of the other.—Testimonies for the Church 6:288.

Medical missionary work is to be done.... It is to be to the work of God as the hand is to the body.—Testimonies for the Church 8:160.

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