22 Oct 2020

Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White: Conference At Rocky Hill

 The conference at Rocky Hill was held in the large unfinished chamber of Brother Albert Belden's house. In a letter to Brother Stockbridge Howland, my husband wrote of the meeting as follows:

“April 20 Brother Belden sent his two-horse wagon to Middletown for us and the scattered brethren in that city. We arrived at this place about four in the afternoon, and in a few minutes in came Brethren Bates and Gurney. We had a meeting that evening of about fifteen. Friday morning the brethren came in until we numbered about fifty. These were not all fully in the truth. Our meeting that day was very interesting. Brother Bates presented the commandments in a clear light, and their importance was urged home by powerful testimonies. The word had effect to establish those already in the truth, and to awaken those who were not fully decided.”

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