30 Nov 2020

Christian Service: Hospitality a Christian Duty

 Our work in this world is to live for others’ good, to bless others, to be hospitable; and frequently it may be only at some inconvenience that we can entertain those who really need our care and the benefit of our society and our homes. Some avoid these necessary burdens. But some one must bear them; and because the brethren in general are not lovers of hospitality, and do not share equally in these Christian duties, a few who have willing hearts, and who cheerfully make the cases of those who need help their own, are burdened.—Testimonies for the Church 2:645.

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” These words have lost none of their force through the lapse of time. Our heavenly Father still continues to place in the pathway of His children opportunities that are blessings in disguise; and those who improve these opportunities find great joy.—Prophets and Kings, 132.

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