22 Mar 2021

Sons and Daughters of God: Patience, March 22

 These Lessons We Must Also Learn

For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
Hebrews 10:36. 

The lives of some are without peace or gladness because they never get out of the range of self. They are ever reaching out for sympathy from others. If they would go to work to see how helpful they could be, and would speak words of love and courage, their souls, now dry and sorrowful, would become like a watered garden. 

You must learn in the school of Christ precious lessons of patience. Do not become discouraged, but keep at the work in all humility. It will drive you to Jesus; it will lead you to study the Pattern. You want to work as Jesus worked. The Youth's Instructor, May 4, 1886. 

Trials will come, it is true, even to those who are fully consecrated. The patience of the most patient will be severely tested.... Often silence is the severest rebuke that could be given to the one who has sinned with his lips. 

When they [the children and youth] lose self-control and speak words that are passionate, an attitude of silence is often the best course to pursue, not taking up a line of reproof or argument or condemnation. Repentance will come very soon. The silence that is golden will often do more than all the words that can be uttered. 

When others are impatient, fretful, and complaining because self is not subdued, begin to sing some of the songs of Zion. While Christ was working at the carpenter's bench, others would sometimes surround Him, trying to cause Him to be impatient; but He would begin singing some of the beautiful psalms, and before they realized what they were doing, they had joined with Him in singing, influenced, as it were, by the power of the Holy Spirit which was there. The Adventist Home, 442, 443. 

Christ's perfect example and the grace of God are given him [man] to enable him to train his sons and daughters to be sons and daughters of God. Child Guidance, 475. 

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