21 Mar 2021

To Be Like Jesus: Working With Jesus to Save the Lost, March 21

Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. Revelation 22:12, NKJV. 

The Lord Jesus will scrutinize every talent, and expect interest in proportion to the amount of capital entrusted. By His own humiliation and agony, Christ has paid the purchase money for our salvation, and He has a right to our services. The very name of servant implies the doing of work, the bearing of responsibility. All our capabilities, all our opportunities, have been entrusted to us for wise improvement, that Christ may receive His own with usury. 

The heavenly Master ascended on high, and led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men and women—divine treasures of truth to be presented to all the world. What use are we individually making of these gifts, the talents in our hands? Are we like the unwise and unfaithful servant, burying these talents in the world, where they will bring no returns to God? It behooves all with careful fidelity to improve the talents entrusted to them; for talents will increase as they are used for the good of humanity and the glory of God. 

Every soul should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. We are not to use up all the strength of brain, bone, and muscle in worldly business interests; for if we do, we imperil our spiritual interests, and we shall lose an eternity of bliss. The whole unfallen universe is interested in the great work which Jesus came to our world to accomplish, even the salvation of our souls. And shall not mortals on earth cooperate with our Redeemer, who has ascended into heaven to make intercession for us? Shall we show no special zeal, no devoted interest, in the work that was devised in heaven to be carried forward in the world for the good of men and women? Shall we who have been bought with the precious blood of Christ refuse to do the work left in our hands—refuse to cooperate with the heavenly agencies in the work of saving the fallen? Shall we not go even to the ends of the earth to let the light of truth given to us of heaven shine forth to our fellow human beings?—The Review and Herald, January 24, 1893. 

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