1 Feb 2022

With God at Dawn: February—Behold, What Manner of Love: He that Dwelleth in God Dwelleth in Love, February 1

 God Is Love

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16.

All the paternal love which has come down from generation to generation through the channel of human hearts, all the springs of tenderness which have opened in the souls of men, are but as a tiny rill to the boundless ocean, when compared with the infinite, exhaustless love of God. Tongue cannot utter it; pen cannot portray it. You may meditate upon it every day of your life; you may search the Scriptures diligently in order to understand it; you may summon every power and capability that God has given you, in the endeavor to comprehend the love and compassion of the heavenly Father; and yet there is an infinity beyond. You may study that love for ages; yet you can never fully comprehend the length and the breadth, the depth and the height, of the love of God in giving His Son to die for the world. Eternity itself can never fully reveal it. Yet as we study the Bible, and meditate upon the life of Christ and the plan of redemption, these great themes will open to our understanding more and more....

It is Satan’s constant study to keep the minds of men occupied with those things which will prevent them from obtaining the knowledge of God.... The Son of the Highest has strength to fight the battle for us; and through “Him that loved us,” we may come off “more than conquerors.”—Testimonies for the Church 5:740.

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