10 Mar 2022

Messages to Young People: Faithfulness in Little Things

 Individual, constant, united efforts will be rewarded by success. Those who desire to do a great deal of good in our world must be willing to do it in God's way, by doing little things. He who wishes to reach the loftiest heights of achievement by doing something great and wonderful, will fail of doing anything.

Steady progress in a good work, the frequent repetition of one kind of faithful service, is of more value in God's sight than the doing of one great work, and wins for the youth a good report, giving character to their efforts....

The youth can do good in laboring to save souls. God holds them accountable for the use they make of the talents intrusted to them. Let those who claim to be sons and daughters of God aim at a high standard. Let them use every faculty God has given them.—The Youth's Instructor, January 1, 1907.

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