2 May 2022

Messages to Young People: Need of Heavenly-Mindedness

 When God's Word is made the man of our counsel, and we search the Scriptures for light, angels of  heaven come near to impress the mind and enlighten the understanding, so that it can truly be said, “The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” It is no marvel that there is not more heavenly-mindedness shown among the youth who profess Christianity, when there is so little attention given to the Word of God. The divine counsels are not heeded; the admonitions are not obeyed; grace and heavenly wisdom are not sought, that past sins may be avoided and every taint of corruption be cleansed from the character. David's prayer was, “Make me to understand the way of Thy precepts; so shall I talk of Thy wonderful works.”

If the minds of our youth, as well as those of more mature age, were directed aright when associated together, their conversation would be upon exalted themes. When the mind is pure, and the thoughts elevated by the truth of God, the words will be of the same character, “like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” But with the present understanding, with the present practices, with the low standard which even professed Christians are content to reach, the conversation is cheap and profitless. It is “of the earth, earthy,” and savors not of the truth, or of heaven, and does not come up even to the standard of the more cultured class of worldlings.

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